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"Love, Laughter, and Yoga: Partner Yoga Poses for Family Bonding

Meet Kavita, a supermom juggling work, and Rishi, a busy businessman always on the go. 


One day Kavita was busy working on her laptop while Rishi was on a call, both absorbed in their hectic schedules. Their son, Kabir, sits quietly in a corner, playing with his toys.


Kavita: [Sighs] It feels like we're always rushing from one thing to the next, doesn't it?


Rishi: [Nods] Yeah, it does. But hey, at least we have our family holidays to look forward to, right?


Kavita: [Frowns] I know, but... I can't shake this feeling that something's missing in our relationship with Kabir. Sometimes, he behaves so strangely.


[Just then, Kabir looks up from his toys and gives his parents a curious glance.]


Rishi: [Thinking] Maybe you're right. We've been so caught up in our own lives that we haven't been giving him the attention he needs.


Kavita: [Nods] Exactly. We need to find a way to connect with him more, to bond as a family.


They both exchange determined looks, realizing the importance of spending quality time with Kabir.


In today's fast-paced world, finding time for parent-child bonding is more crucial than ever. That's why Kavita and Rishi are exploring new ways to connect with their son, Kabir. One such way is through partner yoga poses.


Kavita and Rishi started practicing yoga with Kabir. They laughed and giggled as they attempted different poses together.


Partner yoga poses are not only a fun way to stretch and relax but also to feel each other's energy and strengthen your bond as a family.


Try out below yoga poses with your little kiddo:

Partner Extended Cat Pose :

Come on down to all fours, facing each other, with your heads almost touching. Now, extend your right leg straight back behind you, flexing your foot, and gaze gently forward. Place your left hand on your partner's shoulder for support and balance.



Stacked Child’s Pose:

Alright, let's get cozy in Child's Pose together! Adults, start by sitting back on your heels, slowly lowering your forehead to rest on the floor in front of your knees. Let your arms relax alongside your body, and take a few deep breaths here, feeling the gentle stretch in your back.


Now, kids, when you're ready, climb on your partner's back for a stacked Child's Pose! Your arms will hang straight down, and your head will rest on your partner's shoulders. Feel the support and connection as you settle into the pose together.


Take a few moments to breathe deeply and relax in this position, feeling the warmth and comfort of being close to your partner. When you're ready to come out of the pose, the top partner will carefully dismount, and you can both transition out slowly and mindfully.


Enjoy this nurturing moment of togetherness in Child's Pose!

Partner Seated Cat Pose:

Let's find a cozy spot to sit cross-legged, facing each other, with our knees almost touching. Now, gently lift your arms and reach for your partner's biceps, creating a gentle hold.


Next, tuck your chin to your chest and round your back, feeling the stretch in your back as you lean forward slightly. You'll notice the resistance from your partner's arm hold adding to the stretch. Take a few deep breaths here, feeling the connection with your partner and the stretch in your back.


When you're ready, slowly release the hold and come out of the pose together, maintaining the connection and support with your partner.


Seesaw Pose:

Let's get into position for a fun seesaw stretch! Sit facing each other in an L position, with your legs stretched out in front of you. You can either press your flexed feet together or have one person bring their feet inside their partner's legs. Now, reach forward and take each other's hands.


To start the seesaw, one partner leans back, gently pulling the other partner forward. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and lower back as you lean forward. Then, take turns leaning back and bending forward, creating a smooth seesaw motion.


Enjoy the back-and-forth movement, syncing up with your partner and finding a rhythm together. Take a few turns to really stretch and connect with each other.


And there you have it! A playful seesaw stretch to loosen up your muscles and strengthen your bond with your partner.

Partner Seated Twist:

Let's find a comfortable seated position, cross-legged and facing each other, about an arm's length apart. Place your palms gently on your knees, ensuring your spine is tall and straight.


Now, let's add a twist! Rotate your torso to the right, reaching your left hand to grab your partner's right hand. At the same time, wrap your right hand behind you and reach for your partner's left hand. Feel the gentle stretch in your spine and shoulders as you twist.


Take a few moments here, breathing deeply and enjoying the connection with your partner. Feel the support and stability as you hold hands and twist together.


When you're ready, gently release the pose and switch sides. Rotate your torso to the left this time, reaching for your partner's hands in the opposite direction. Again, take a few moments to breathe and enjoy the stretch.


This is how Kavita and Rishi practised different partner yoga poses with their son Kabir, each pose accompanied by joyful laughter and smiles.


Remember, it's not about achieving perfect poses but about enjoying the experience together and fostering a deeper connection.


The family ends their yoga session, lying in Resting Pose, taking deep breaths and basking in the feeling of togetherness.


So, in this busy world, take the time to connect, bond, and move your bodies together. Your family's well-being depends on it.

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